We started trying to have a baby in October 2003. By July 2004, my doctor was concerned and sent us for testing at a reproductive endocrinologist (RE). The appointment was on our wedding anniversary. “You will never have a child naturally.” “There is a 99.99999% chance that you will never conceive a child on your…
Tag: vaginal
Always the Over-Achiever – Getting all the Gold Stars… on paper
Naomi’s Birthing Story I’ve been an over-achiever for as long as I can remember, and I approached pregnancy in the same vein. I did everything I could to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy, with the expectation that a smooth and healthy delivery would naturally follow. And it did – but not exactly the way…
Birth Story of Jennifer Lieselotte Judith Tarn Archbold
My pregnancy with Jennifer had been by far the easiest of the three pregnancies I had. I had no morning sickness at all with her. Half the time I didn’t feel pregnant at all. I worked in a Swine Nutrition lab at the time, so some of my duties had to be altered, so I…
Tasha’s Story: The Birth of Zack
Dear Zack, Here is the story of your birth. Peter (Daddy) and Tasha (Mommy) were interested in having a baby, but Mommy lost her period for a year due to a medication she was on, so she was really worried about infertility – she didn’t know what had happened at first. They kept waiting for…
Di’s Second Birth – July 2011
This is the story of the stillbirth of my son, Sebastian. It was a memorable experience, if not a happy one. I have written it without really softening the edges. When Sebastian was born, we already knew he wasn’t alive. Just before noon on July 8th, we found out the results of that morning’s ultrasound, which…
The Birth of Athena, August 2009
A Perfect Birth As Remembered by the Doula Tania was referred to me in her last month of pregnancy. She felt that, had she received the right kind of support for her first delivery, it may have gone differently and less traumatically. After 3 prenatal visits and a refreshed course, Tania and Lorin were prepared…
Births of Three Daughters
Erica’s Birth, July 1985 Hard to believe it was 25 years ago that my first daughter was born. Some memories will come and go, others fade with time, but birth memories stay with you forever! Pregnancy was always something I dreamed of and looked forward to, even as a little girl. And let me be…
Meghan’s Birth Story
Before giving birth, I tried to be as open-minded as possible about my options. I did my research, looking into homebirth, drugs versus drug-free, etc. I was open to the idea of an epidural – but not set on it unless I felt that I needed it. We were prepared for the idea of a…
Birth Story of Thomas, May 2004
At 3:45 a.m., May 19, 2004, my son Jackson (2 ½ years old) woke me up by coming to our bed. He said, “Mummy, I’m sore.” When I felt him, I realized that he was burning up. We went back to his bed and I lay down with him for a few minutes. I realized…
The Birth of Jenny Rebecca, February 14th, 1972
In the summer of 1971 I was 21. I discovered that I was pregnant. I was single and had just finished my second year of teaching. I was visiting my step-brother and his wife in Niagara Falls when I found out. I knew right away how I was going to handle the situation. I knew…