I would love to include your birth story (or stories) on MotherGather.
If you are interested in sharing your experience, please contact me at itsdilovely [at] gmail [dot] com.
You can send me your story as written by you; you can send me point-form notes and I can put it together; you can send it as told to someone else; we can even arrange an oral interview if you prefer – whatever will make it easiest for you. We can leave out or change your name and other names if you want, or we can put in your name, and even a bio and link to your own website, if you like.
If you would like to participate, please include your child’s birth month, where you’re from (province/state etc. is fine) and don’t forget to let me know how you would like your name to appear. Also, please consider the following questions:
- What were your expectations beforehand? Was the actual experience very different?
- What kinds of emotions did you go through?
- What moments stick out in your mind as important ones?
- Do you remember any specific things that people said or did, especially at those important moments?
- For births, when and how did you know it was really “time”?
- When was your baby born in relation to his or her due date?
- For labours, what techniques worked for you, to ease pain?
- What was it like to see your child for the first time?
- Any other details you care to include – don’t hold back!
Please consider sharing your birth or adoption experience. It would be an honour to include your story in the community.